While any shop could benefit from the convenience and efficiency of a welding boom arm, there may be clear indications that your work area needs one specifically.
Frequent Accidents: A high number of regularly occurring workplace injuries, such as tripping on equipment or being pinched between spaces, clearly indicate that too many cords and cables are lying around. Welding boom arms dramatically reduces the amount of lingering equipment and increases overall safety.
Cramped Space: If you or other workers have difficulty navigating the environment, you may want to consider freeing up some areas with boom arms. Instead of constantly needing to hop around equipment, the work floor can be opened up for more accessible and comfortable welding conditions.
Constant Backtracking: Backtracking through the shop to retrieve different tools or pull your welding machine to new spaces causes lost time that could be spent welding. If you constantly move back and forth to accomplish tasks, consider using welding boom arms to streamline the process.
Adding a welding boom arm to your workspace could alleviate these negative aspects and improve general efficiency. If you would like to improve welding productivity and open up the work area, get in touch with a professional welding provider like Oxygen Service.